This is why you should drink warm water in the morning

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A cup of hot coffee or tea – that’s how many people start their day. But drinking warm water first thing in the morning would be much healthier. Find out why here.

If you want to do something good for your body and pay attention to your diet, it pays to drink warm water in the morning. In China, it is even customary to resort to hot drinks throughout the day, as they are considered particularly healthy.

Even a glass or cup of boiling water, which is allowed to cool until it reaches a comfortable temperature for drinking, has a positive effect on digestion in the morning.

Here are the five reasons

  1. Good for the stomach
    There can hardly be a more pleasant start to the day for the still-empty stomach: Warm water does not have to be brought to body temperature first and supplies you directly with liquid, which is especially important in the morning. It is best to wait a few minutes before starting breakfast. If you have more time, you should wait about half an hour before eating the day’s first meal to let the digestive system get going.
  2. Activates the metabolism
    The heated water boosts the metabolism, which burns extra calories. Therefore, paying attention to your figure is worth starting the day with this hot drink. Food eaten afterwards is also more easily broken down into components by the heat to better utilize nutrients.
  3. Inexpensive detox drink
    Hot water could also be called a detox drink because it stimulates sweating, especially when drunk warmer than room temperature. With sweat, toxins are excreted through the skin.

  1. Antispasmodic effect
    If you wake up with a stomach ache, warm water can have an analgesic effect, as it decramps the stomach, unlike cold drinks. The hot glass can also help with period pains, which often cause the whole abdomen to be tense.
  2. As a home remedy for colds
    The fact that hot tea or chicken soup is healthy and provides the fastest possible recovery from colds is known to most. The heat is supposed to make it more difficult for viruses to multiply, and the liquid taken in allows the body to work effectively. But water, which you heat, also positively affects coughs and colds and ensures that mucus from the upper respiratory tract can be loosened more quickly. There is no more straightforward home remedy.

With lemon, mint or individual tea flowers taste better
With time, you get used to the drink. If you don’t like the taste of heated water, you can refine it with a slice of organic lemon. This gives the drink a tart aroma and additional vitamin C. In addition, the water should even have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the citrus fruit.

Alternatively, a leaf of fresh mint or tea blossoms can be added to the water – but only after it is no longer boiling. In this way, only a little flavour and hardly any bitter substances are released into the liquid, making the water more digestible on an empty stomach in the morning than many brewed teas.

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